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Wexham Court

Primary School

Preparing every child to become a successful individual in an ever evolving world

Stars of the Week

The children below have been selected by their class teacher to be the star of the week. Well done and keep up the good work! 


Name & Reason 

Nursery AM

Aliyah for settling back into nursery well, following the routine and beginning to increase her circle of friends - Fantastic!

Nursery PM

Shumaila for settling into the Nursery routine well, beginning to make friends and good relationships with the staff - Brilliant start!


Sultan for his excellent participation in class discussions. Well done!


Nikola for putting in a great amount of effort into all her learning and for joining in more in class.


Manreet for having a positive attitude towards her learning and always having a smile on her face!


Taqi for trying his best in the lessons and making right choices with his behaviour. Great effort and keep it up!


Abu for his fantastic effort with his writing. He is now taking pride in the presentation of his work and is being careful when sounding out. 


Jazmeen for striving for excellence every day. She has also shown a lot of kindness on the playground this week, lovely to see!


Zoya for a great start to the term, showing a positive attitude to learning and helping her peers.


Gurasees for showing a positive attitude in all her learning and showing resilience when tackling challenges. 


Rigers for making good progress in phonics.

South Africa

Burhaan for trying really hard in Maths and for making great learning choices!


Afnan for showing a positive attitude towards his learning and trying his best in all subjects. Well done and keep it up!


Gurkirat for internalising the story and working very hard on his writing.


Fabian for striving for excellence in his learning, contributing more to class discussions and always showing excellent manners . Keep up the good work!


Aiza for her excellent engagement in her learning this week and always participating in class discussions. 


Gurehaj for always being respectful and making a concerted effort to improve her learning.


Latfiya for her perseverance and determination towards her fractions work this week. She has been striving for excellence by listening carefully, asking relevant questions to further understanding and focusing during tasks. Well done! 


Safeena for showing resilience and determination during swimming.


Mobeen for striving for excellence in every lesson this week, and for growing in confidence to answer more questions in class discussions. Well done!

Sri Lanka

Shanay for showing a kind and caring attitude to his classmates, and promoting a positive and motivational atmosphere in the classroom.


Shabbar for taking an increased responsibility for his learning. 


Gurveer for participating more in lessons and trying his absolute best in all subjects! Well done and keep it up! 


November 2020

No news stories have been added to this category yet.
Ruth Miskin
Jigsaw Flagship
The Laurel Trust
Horticultural Society
Music Mark