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Wexham Court

Primary School

Preparing every child to become a successful individual in an ever evolving world

The Curriculum

We know that not all children continue through the national curriculum at the same pace and therefore sometimes it is appropriate for the curriculum to be adapted for a child’s individual needs. When this happens, an outline of the child’s individualised curriculum is provided by the SEND team through discussions with the class teacher, parents, SLT and professionals (if external reports such as EHCPs are in place).

In some cases, the adjustments will refer to the way the curriculum is delivered for example through multisensory means. In these cases, the children will have access to resources which heighten their five senses: touch, taste, hear, see and smell.

In other cases, the curriculum may be adapted so that the children work through it at a slower pace, and it is more streamlined to ensure the children achieve the most important aspects by the time they leave primary school. We aim for all children to be able to:

  • Read, write and count numbers 1-100;

  • Use one to one correspondence to confidently count objects to 100;

  • Know the names of simple 2D and 3D shapes;

  • Recognise coins and notes and understand their place in day-to-day life;

  • Fluency read an age-appropriate text at 90 words per minute;

  • Read and write all the letters in the alphabet;

  • Write their name correctly;

  • Write a simple sentence with a full stop, capital letter and finger space.

Sensory Groups

Some children may find the classroom environment over stimulating and struggle to focus and therefore small group work is required. These groups are run by the SEND team during Maths and English lessons and are up to 6 pupils. All the activities are based on their individualised next steps and involve sensory play. For example, the children may be finding numbers in the sandpit and recalling their number recognition whilst the adults model the correct vocabulary.

Early Reading

The school continuously monitors the children’s progress in early reading through their learning choices time, phonics lessons and class teaching. Our reading policy and early years' policy outlines the universal provision which all children have access to however, if a child is identified as needing extra support with their early reading, then additional provision is provided. This is implemented at the earliest opportunity with highly trained and skilled staff. Support is individualised to the child’s specific need however it may include:

  • 1:1 explicit modelling of vocabulary or fluency skills

  • Extra daily phonics sessions focusing on specific sounds

  • Additional planning used to ensure opportunities for focused reading during the children’s learning choices

  • Pre teaching groups to increase exposure to vocabulary and background knowledge

  • Reading taught through multisensory means

  • Speech and language groups

Resources and strategies will be shared with parents so if they are able, they can support at home as well.

Ruth Miskin
Jigsaw Flagship
The Laurel Trust
Horticultural Society
Music Mark